A wonderful website with perfectly recreated mini versions of famous grooves from some of the funkiest songs in history, perfect for practice rhythm playing and jamming or also trying to play the exact parts from the songs themselves!
Many different games to play online including things to help with rhythm memorization, pitch recognition, chord identification, note identification, etc.!
This website contains hundreds of learning games of varying levels, all carefully planned to gain mastery of the elements of music theory, ear training and rhythmic skills in an exciting, challenging environment.
A website seems to have tons of printable worksheets and easy to use.
The Ultimate List of Online Music Education Games
On this site you will find a treasure chest of colorful, creative and fun piano teaching material. Be sure to check out the high-quality sheet music in my store that will motivate and engage your students.
An easy way to teach children the difference between rhythm and the steady beat is to use heart beats like in my worksheet Rhythm Heart Beats.
Note reading review 3 and theory testing thoughts. The test covers other concepts such as rhythm, intervals, vocabulary, and beginning ear training.
This site offers lesson activities, games, and piano books that will help students and teachers find the fun in piano lessons.
This website has customizable theory activities as well as lessons covering almost any topic
Theta Music Trainer is a complete system of online courses and games for ear training and music theory. This service is free while all schools remained closed.
You create your own 3-note pattern and then listen to a variety of patterns and see if you can find and choose the one you created.
You listen and try to identify the instrument being played.
Learn reading music, clefs and time signature as well as melody and harmony.